Bringing Welsh Springer Spaniel Owners Together

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Show Results

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1998 WelshSpringer-H Virtual Dog Show

Welcome judges. I wish to thank each of you at this time for being willing to undertake this judging assignment.   In all classes select 1st through 4 placements. Then from your Best of Breed entry and all 1st place class winners select   Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Sex Winners. Critique your placements to the best of your ability considering the quality of some of the photos that were submitted for which I apologize. When you have decided your placements please send them to me at firesidedogs@doglover.com  the critiques may be sent later. Again, thank you very much and I hope that you enjoy this judging assignment.

Teri Johnston - WelshSpringer-H List Moderator






Puppy Dog 3-6

Entry 7

Entry 31

7.jpg (32118 bytes) 31.jpg (25994 bytes)

Entry 35

35.jpg (29035 bytes)


Open Dog

Entry 13

Entry 17

13.jpg (36296 bytes) 17.jpg (22127 bytes)

Entry 45

Entry 33

45.jpg (20625 bytes) 33.jpg (21604 bytes)

Entry 23

Entry 51

23.gif (44612 bytes) 51.jpg (15900 bytes)


Veteran Dog

Entry 19 Entry 39
19.jpg (23143 bytes) 39.jpg (12861 bytes)

Entry 49

49.jpg (30041 bytes)



Puppy Bitches 3-6

Entry 6

Entry 26

6.jpg (36830 bytes) 26.jpg (23644 bytes)
Entry 44 Entry 64
44.jpg (24016 bytes) 64.jpg (15032 bytes)
Entry 16 Entry 36
16.jpg (27507 bytes) 36.jpg (26283 bytes)

Entry 72

Entry 80

72.jpg (23861 bytes) 80.jpg (51446 bytes)


Puppy Bitch 6-9

Entry 14

Entry 22

14.gif (46348 bytes) 22.gif (36002 bytes)



Puppy Bitch 9-12

Entry 46

46.jpg (22282 bytes)


Breed By Exhibitor - Bitches

Entry 38 Entry 54
38.jpg (20349 bytes) 54.jpg (15533 bytes)


Open Bitch

Entry 68 Entry 66
68.jpg (31024 bytes) 66.jpg (33556 bytes)
Entry 8 Entry 10
8.jpg (28946 bytes) 10.jpg (21488 bytes)
Entry 148 Entry 20
l48.JPG (26325 bytes) 20.jpg (31958 bytes)

Entry 78

Entry 76

78.jpg (27451 bytes) 76.jpg (19404 bytes)


Veteran Bitch

Entry 58 Entry 48
58.jpg (24776 bytes) 48.jpg (42440 bytes)



Best of Breed Dog

Entry 9

Entry 11

9.jpg (28419 bytes) 11.jpg (29388 bytes)

Entry 29

Entry 43

29.jpg (18137 bytes) 43.jpg (13439 bytes)
Entry 25 Entry 27
25.gif (30329 bytes) 27.jpg (31407 bytes)
Entry 47 Entry 41
47.jpg (25428 bytes) 41.jpg (13528 bytes)

Entry 15

Entry 37

15.jpg (16071 bytes) 37.jpg (27246 bytes)

Entry 21

21.jpg (24769 bytes)


Best of Breed Bitches

Entry 28

Entry 32

28.jpg (25044 bytes) 32.jpg (20722 bytes)

Entry 30

Entry 24

30.jpg (28258 bytes) 24.jpg (19398 bytes)

Entry 56

Entry 12
56.jpg (32096 bytes) 12.jpg (30309 bytes)
Entry 62 Entry 60
62.jpg (26907 bytes) 60.gif (65921 bytes)
Entry 70 Entry 52
70.jpg (33398 bytes) 52.jpg (8920 bytes)
Entry 34 Entry 42
34.jpg (28616 bytes) 42.jpg (36263 bytes)
Entry 50 Entry 40
50.jpg (25337 bytes) 40.jpg (18593 bytes)

Entry 18                                                

18.jpg (28277 bytes)




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If you have any problems Please E-mail our webmaster@welshspringers.com